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Wednesday, April 22, 2009

How to Get Spring MVC Locale via EL

For some stupid reason, today I just needed to get the current Locale which is determined by the Spring's org.springframework.web.servlet.i18n.SessionLocaleResolver class via EL. Well, as the name implies this Resolver stores the current Locale in Http Session and you can access it with the following EL expression.


Monday, April 6, 2009

How to Connect Catalina MBean

In order to connect Catalina MBean, first you should start Tomcat with the following JVM arguments. (could be anything)

After container is started, run jconsole.exe in JDK's bin folder to open JConsole New Connection dialog. To connect, choose Remote Process, enter localhost:4444 to the field, and press Connect. If you open the MBeans tab, you will see the Catalina MBean on the left panel.